Tuesday, March 29, 2011

local Renaissance Faires

So, if you're interested in participating in one of the local Ren Faires (Yes, we now have two), you just missed auditions for the Northwest Renaissance Faire (they were March 13-20). HOWEVER you can still call Tienne @ (509)276-7728 to audition, since rehearsals don't start until April 17th, and the Faire runs June 25 - July 24.

The OTHER local Ren Faire (Spokane Renaissance Faire, organized by Spokane Entertainers Guild) had their final auditions May 22-23, but since their Faire isn't until October 1-2, you might still have a chance there too. Contact Tara Mickschl (no, I don't know how to pronounce that) @ (509)998-9596.

Respective websites: http://www.nwrf.net/ http://spokentguild.org/home.php

Monday, March 14, 2011

How we act quote

Ran across this today, whilst researching for an upcoming stage kiss in the next production. LOVE it - this is exactly how I think about acting!!

"In acting, we are always, to some extent, split in two. (We never, as some people would have you believe, totally BECOME the character.) There is the part of us that is always ourself, standing to one side watching, while at the same time there is that part of us that is living the life of the character in that moment. The trick is to minimize the former and maximize the latter. The "ourself" part is like a guide, while the "character" part acts on the suggestions of "ourself." The "ourself" part must urge the "character" part to live the moment. But if the "ourself" part is watching the audience watching us and wondering how they’re reacting, it cannot do it’s job properly. It is a problem of concentration, but the key to concentration is knowing at EVERY MOMENT precisely what it is we’re supposed to be concentrating ON." -John Crowther

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Laughing Stock auditions

So, this morning, as I was on my way to audition for Laughing Stock, my car decided to NOT start. Fun times. Anyway, after several hours involving my dad leaving work to give me his car, I FINALLY got to Spokane as auditions were ending, did my monologue (CSI Neverland - 911 operator), and read Scene 9 between Sara & Gordon with Geoff (known him a little over a year - Actor/Assistant Director in Richard III, also in The Insanity of Mary Girard), and auditions were over. After about 15 minutes, the Director & Assistant Director finished deliberating and informed me I got the role I read for! Whoo! Shortest & easiest audition EVAR!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Mistress Shore's dress

So I REALLY wish I had taken "before" photos to add to my portfolio, but anyway... My costume (for Mistress Shore) was WAAAAAAAY too big and needed major alterations. So, I essentially took almost the whole thing apart (most of the seams were serged together), removed the upper lining, re-serged the edges, re-fitted the sleeves and bodice, and sewed it back together. I still have yet to re-attach the skirt and bodice trim. Will do that today, and eventually post pictures. :-)